Volunteer Work
Spanish School
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Sendero de la Libertad
Sendero de la Paz
Camino de los Incas
Sendero del Oro
Specialists needed
Sendero de la Libertad - photos volunteers
Sendero de la Paz - photos volunteers
Caminos de los Incas - photos volunteers
Ecotrackers Quito foto activities
Other photos from our projects
Camino de los Incas
Different projects in the Andes region:
- Quilotoa, with an extension to the Ilinizas - Cayambe-Coca, north of Quito
Quilotoa, a community in the Andes
Quilotoa is a small community of about 150 families, situated at a height of about 4000 meters. It is at a high altitude, so you have first have to acllimatize in Quito or another place at a similar height. It can be getting cold, so please take warm clothes with you.
It is a beautifull quiet place and one of the most interesting things here is the lake: a salt water lake in a crater of a volcano.
Do not worry about hand shoes or a woollen hat or shawl, because you will be welcomed by locals from who you can buy hand made guantas (hand shoes), gorro (hat) or a bufanda (shawl).
Accomodation in the community
There are different hotels in the community, but there is also a beautiful refugee (own by the organization of the community) down at the lake. It is a quiet place and they have 7 double rooms. It is basic, there is no electricity (in the community there is!), no drinking water, but they bring water from the village. They provide food and you can also buy different snacks, soft drinks and bottled water. They have a kitchen and a toilet. They also have a boat and a water bike which you can take to make a tour on the lake.
Great organization of the community
There is a good organization in the community: they are doing lots of work together to improve the conditions of the community. Also they are organizing every Monday a Minga what is really interesting and typical to experience (for more details please ask us in the office or write an email).
If you like quietness, mountains and the presence of a lake, this is a GREAT place to be.