Volunteer Work
Spanish School
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Centro de Informacion y venta
Sendero de la Libertad
Sendero de la Paz
Camino de los Incas
Sendero del Oro
Specialists needed
Sendero de la Libertad - photos volunteers
Sendero de la Paz - photos volunteers
Caminos de los Incas - photos volunteers
Ecotrackers Quito foto activities
Other photos from our projects
Informationcentre and expositions of handicrafts
The objective is to promote the protection of the nature and culture in Ecuador through participative communitary ecotourism and handicrafts.
Herefore we have an area of 150 meters in the heart of the touristic services in the country, situated at the Avenida Amazonas and Roca. The place has an area of internet, an area for spanish classes, an area for medical advice to travellers and a terrace with cafetaria for expositions.
Veronica Maldonado in Spanish classes
The internetservice is for the public, but also for finding special information
At the moment we have a fast internetservice which finances our costs of elektricity, water and one person who takes attention at the office. At the moment we have 10 computers, in the project we would like te extend this to 25.
The computers connected to the internet work well for finding and exchanging information. The information can be devided in international information for volunteers and tourists and national information to exchange with the students of the central university and for the educationcourses on distance in the communities.
Spanish classes and previous education
Our volunteers have to have suffiecient knowledge of the Spanish language for communicating with the people in the communities and the understand the indigenous people. Herefore they get a previous education about the dangers they could have to face. The project aims to offer a special education to as well foreigners as nationals which the people can use in their own country, for their profession or further education.
The objective of the internetcentre is to give information and an international exchange of communication
In the Avenida Amazonas the project dispones a space for realizing expositions of handicrafts of the communities and for cultural manifestations.
A comfortable appartment
This place is for students and volunteers who we help with learning Spanish and get to know to the different cultures in the country through an exchange of experiences.
The project also has a terrace with a cafe for expositions and cultural manifestations